Manda Audio

E-Drums presets: Alesis

Preset Rating Created by
Alesis Crimson Mesh II
Manda Audio
Alesis dm 10 mk 2
James Pennington
Alesis DM10
Simon H.
Alesis Dm5
thiago simiao
Alesis Nitro Mesh Kit
Alesis Nitro Mesh Kit 8 Piece
Alesis Nitro Mesh Kit 8-Piece
Alesis Surge
Alesis Turbo
Alesis Turbo no ratings yet Krisbel Ramirez
Alesis Turbo Mesh
Louis de M.
How to use a preset
Download the preset from the list which is named as your drum set or a model which comes closest to yours. Save it to exactly this location on your drive:


(This path does only exist on your system, if you have installed the correct version of the plugin (v. 2.1.0 or higher) and have launched it at least once.)

After saving the preset file to the correct folder, go to the settings page of the drum plugin and click on the LOAD button on the top right and select the previously saved preset file.

The presets are suitable for the factory settings of the drum modules. So if you or the pre-owner made any changes to the MIDI mapping of your module, the preset from this website may not work properly. In this case you'd need to factory reset your drum module to work properly with our preset. Before, make sure to backup any important user data you might have on your module.

There is a small chance that the provided preset might still have little errors. We are still in the process of building up the list of presets, so feel free to submit your corrected version of the preset by using the form at the bottom of this page. More information about that also in the video below.
Your model not on the list?
If your model is not on the list, try a preset of a model which comes closest to yours. If you found one, read the instruction above about "how to use a preset". If the preset doesn't fit properly or there isn't even a similar preset available, watch the video below to see how to create your own preset file.

We need your help!

We would appreciate if you could create a preset file for your E-Drum model and share it with us, if it isn't available yet on the list above. Don't worry if your preset has minor errors. We won't make you responsible for it. Any help in building up this list of presets is welcome, even if it is not perfect. However, the information in the video above should help you to create an accurate preset.

Feel free to also report any errors you notice in an existing preset, or even better, submit your corrected version.

Important: We can only accept presets from you, if your drum kit is in the original configuration it came from the manufacturer, which means that you haven't removed or added any custom pieces to it.
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