Manda Audio

VST2 or VST3 ?

If you are a new user of MT-PowerDrumKit, we recommend to install the VST3 version, in case your DAW supports it. It is more future proof, since in the long run VST2 won't be supported by all DAWs anymore (for instance, Steinberg announced to ditch the support of VST2 for future Cubase versions and will only support VST3 plugins).

If you used MTPDK before and you just want to update to the latest version, feel free to get the VST2 version, as it will work without problems with your current DAW and your projects you already made using the plugin.

However, we also recommend existing users to install the VST3 version alongside the current VST2 version. It will be recognized as a seperate plugin, so that your existing projects will still run with the VST2 version. But it is recommended to create all new music projects using the VST3 version from now on, just to be future proof.